Monday, July 16, 2007

Edwards Launches "Road to One America" Tour

On Day 1 of his tour of some of America's most impoverished areas, John Edwards will visit the New Orleans rebuilding project. This tour is particuarly meaningful as none of the locations include early primary states (ie: New Hampshire, Nevada, or Iowa) and he is not fundraising or campaigning. The sole purpose to this tour is to raise American awareness of how poorly some of our people have it. Some conservative media has scoffed at Edwards' tour, because unemployment is so low and because the New York Stock Exchange is the highest ever. Edwards and Democrats however know that even in times of great prosperity, people suffer. In fact, the poor are even more forgotten in this times, because many Americans assume this prosperity spreads to every man, woman, and child within the US. Other stops for this tour include Appalachia and the Rust Belt. More information can be found on Edwards' website: so you can learn more or donate some money to help the impoverished of our great country.

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